The Child Study Team
The members of the CST are:
Erika Ruff
CST Director
504 Compliance Officer
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
please call #1195
Catherine DiPierro, LDT-C
Case Manager for grades 7-8 and RISE Rams K-12
please call #1171
Stephanie Cavacinni, School Social Worker
Case Manager for Out of District pre-k-+12
please call #1126
Joanne Troso, School Psychologist
Case Manager for High School grades 11-12
please call #1127
Jeffrey Bash, School Psychologist
Case Manager for High School Grades 8-10
please call #1152
Joan Brown, LDT-C
Case Manager for Elementary School grades K-5th grades
please call #1185
Nicole Potts, CST Secretary #1144
MaryLouise DiMiero, CST Clerk #1114
Click on links to left for more information.