Teacher Toolbox

Instructional Teaching Tools For the Classroom / Instructional Teaching  Tools

Whether you are a teacher here in Riverside Township School District, another district, another state, at home to your own kids, or anywhere...

                                      these tools may help!

Riverside Township School District Assorted Training Files: 

All things Google and Chrome: Teacher Tutorials


Are you curious how to use all the tools and resources available in the Google Suite? 
Check out this wide array of tutorials

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Check out Quill, a free teacher software program that will help support: 
English Language Learners 

This is one of my newer finds and I am interested to explore it this upcoming year! 
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Great for any grade and any subject, Flipgrid allows students to create shorty easy videos of themselves speaking. This means they can use the tool to practice speaking (think world language practices or ELL practice), to practice reading aloud with a way to get feedback and reflect (think reading growth and fluency development), to communicate and present an idea without the fear of public speaking.... 

The possibilities are endless!!!!!!!!!!

Check out their Educator Toolkit and sign up for free! 

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Bitmoji Image

Do you have a Bitmoji yet? 
What are you waiting for? 

As silly as it may seem, being able to use personalized Bitmoji images to your assignments, your expectations, your communications, and your room in general can add a level of personalization and fun to everything you do. 

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How to use Loom for Education – Loom

If you only learn one new thing this year, learn to LOOM! 

Loom is an incredible, free, and EASY tool to record your screen and camera in order to create and share a quick tutorial, explanation, walkthrough, reminder, or feedback. 

You can create a Chrome Extension Shortcut so it is directly added into your browser bar and at any time simply click the loom tool, click start, and record. When you are done, you simply copy the link and send it. No downloading, no video "files", no software compatibility issues. 

It's a teacher's dream come true. 

Are you a math teacher who wants to record HOW to work through a specific type of problem or process and save it for students to references as needed? 

BOOM! Loom it! 

Are you an English teacher who likes reviewing student work digitally, and wishes they had the time to provide feedback throughout the paper in conference form, but can't find the face-to-face time. 

BOOM! Loom it! 

Did you find a new tool and want to show someone else how to use it ? 

BOOM! Loom it! 

Do you want me to keep going? 

Science teachers, do you want to walk through the steps in a lab experiment ONCE and record it or would you rather do it over and over again? 

History Teachers, would you like to prepare mini lessons that explore primary documents (on screen), a map of territories during divide or expansion, walk through and pause/talk through clips of critical pieces of history? 

ELEMENTARY TEACHERS --- Do you want to create stations for your students where they still have your direct guidance, perhaps on phonics, on how to use manipulatives, reading a story to them while they read along, the possibilities are ENDLESS!!!!!!

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Loom it!

For example, here is 2 minute video USING Loom, showing you how to use loom and how to create a Google Form and share it out :) 

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Want a digital place to collaborate and share ideas, similar to a shared google slide or doc, check out PADLET!

There are free and paid options available depending on how many sites you need running simultaneously.

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I have not used this yet, BUT I WANT TO!

Check out Wordwall

What is it? 
"Wordwall is a free online tool for creating learning activities. With this tool, teachers can enter the topic that they would like to cover in class into the Wordwall and receive a variety of ready-made, fully customizable activities such as quizzes, word games, maze chases and much more." 

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