Registration for the
2024-2025 School Year is OPEN!
Welcome to the

Central Registrar - Erika Johnson
856-461-1255 x1196
[email protected]
Spanish Interpreter - Madeline Salgado
856-461-1255 x1156
[email protected]
Portuguese Interpreter - Raquel Canedo
856-461-1255 x1106
[email protected]
Click on the appropriate Grade Level (to the left) to begin the
Online Registration Process.
Documents needed for Registration:
Student Information
- Birth Certificate AND/OR Passport
- Transfer Card (if previous NJ School)
- Release of Records (if US transfer)
- Most Recent Report Card
- Transcript – HS only
- IEP (if applicable)
- 504 (if applicable)
Medical Information
- Immunization Records since birth
- Physical
- A45 (if previous NJ School)
- School Health Services (MS & HS)
- TB results (out of country)
Parent Information
- Driver’s License OR State ID
- Passport
- Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Guardian Affidavit (if applicable)
- Legal Document (Adoption, RO, etc. - if applicable)
Proof of Residency
- Student Housing Form
- Mortgage Statement
- Title/Deed
- Tax Bill
- Lease OR Rental Agreement
- (2) TOTAL of the following
- Utility Bill (Electric, Water, Cable, etc.)
- Credit Card Statement
- Bank Statement
- Vehicle Registration
Needed if the Parent/Guardian DOES NOT have a lease/mortgage
in their own name. For example, if the Parent/Guardian and
Child(ren) are living with a family member or a friend.
- Homeowner & Notarized
- Parent & Notarized