It’s time to GLOW and shed light on the reality of what members of our community are living with daily...and...It’s time to GROW and put an end to the negative perceptions surrounding mental health disorders. The SEL team is in the process of organizing a collection of short biography videos highlighting experiences, passions, and adversities with respect to mental health disorders. Through community members GLOWing and sharing their stories others can GROW through making connections if they are experiencing similar obstacles or GROW through challenging their mindset surrounding mental health disorders.
This program is in line with the Teen Mental Wellness Movement...End the Stigma. To view #NOFILTER STORIES about what teens are going through with their mental illness, please visit
Anxiety: Helping Handout for Home and School
Self Care Strategy: Mental Health Bullet Journal
Academic Success for Students in Families Affected by Alcoholism
Video Series
Glow and Grow Introduction
Glow and Grow Episode 1
Glow and Grow Episode 2