Message from Judith M. Persichilli
Acting Commissioner
NJ Department of Health
As chair of the Governor’s Electronic Smoking Device Task Force, I am very concerned about the health dangers posed by vaping and the increasing incidence of severe respiratory illnesses that have hospitalized our youth.
Electronic smoking devices were introduced into the U.S. market in 2007 and use of these products has skyrocketed to the point that in 2018, more than one in five high school students and about 1 in 20 middle school students reported using e-cigarettes. This is double the usage from 2017.
Equally alarming is that flavored vaping oils are marketed with names like cotton candy, strawberry cheesecake and razzleberry that are attractive to children despite the fact that such sales are illegal in this state.
Because of these alarming trends, the New Jersey Department of Health has created a public awareness campaign with the following resources:
Incorruptable Us:
A campaign that informs young people about the dangers of vaping and nicotine. It uses bold graphics and clear language to emphasize that vaping is just Big Tobacco’s new way to get them addicted to nicotine products. Media include videos, promotional items, social media properties, and a website. The site is informational and interactive, inviting users to share and create anti-vaping memes and messages.
A page on the NJ DOH site that provides Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Healthcare Providers with the most up-to-date information about the dangers of e-cigarettes/vaping.